The Covenant Grants

Shababa Network

Organization: 92nd Street Y, New York, NY

Grant Year: 2014

Project Director: Karina Zilberman

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $225,000 (3 years)


Arts and Culture
Community Connections
Informal Education
Professional Development

To support the full-scale launch of Shababa Network, a professional development program that will train Jewish communal leaders in the Shababa philosophy and approach, creating engaged and active intergenerational Jewish communities across North America.
Shababa is an intergenerational family experience rooted in values, prayer, holiday celebrations, and Israel through singing, movement, prayer, puppetry, and other creative arts.

92Y invites Jewish organizations to join Shababa Network to participate in a community of practice that involves learning, community-building, implementation, and evaluation. Clergy, teachers, early childhood program directors, song and music leaders, parents, and other communal leaders who are passionate about Jewish life will come together at the annual Shababa Network Summit at 92Y, a three-day workshop incorporating experiential learning and immersion in the Shababa approach. Following the Summit, members will participate in ongoing training through webinars and one-on-one coaching sessions. Members of the Shababa Network will have access to a private online database of lesson plans and tutorial videos and an online forum for Network participants to ask questions, discuss challenges, and share success stories. In its first full-scale year of programming, Shababa Network served 17 organizations.

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