
The Covenant Foundation recognizes the diversity of strengths within the field of Jewish education in North America, across all denominations and settings.

By honoring outstanding Jewish educators and supporting creative approaches to programming, the Foundation works to strengthen educational endeavors that perpetuate the identity, continuity and heritage of the Jewish people.

The Foundation believes those with the creativity and passion to be catalysts for change and innovation in Jewish education are worthy of recognition and support. Consequently, the Foundation accepts unsolicited letters of inquiry.


Joni Blinderman
Executive Director
Liat David
Administrative Associate
Milana Isakova
Grants and Awards Manager
Adina Kay-Gross
Director of Thought Leadership
Yonah Kirschner
Senior Program Officer
Jenny Ng
Executive Assistant and Manager of Special Projects
Lev Paasche-Orlow
Program Officer
Abby Pitkowsky
Program Director
Ariel PJ Stewart
Senior Program Officer
Myra Rosenbaum
Director of Planning
Ralia Wagner
Director of Finance and Administration
Meredith Woocher
Director of Learning


Steven Ain
Dr. Rena Dorph
Dr. Arnold M. Eisen
Cheryl R. Finkel, Immediate Past Chair
Jordan T. Goodman
Barry Joseph
Oren Kaunfer
Dr. Jonathan Krasner
Barbara Goodman Manilow
Deborah S. Meyer, Chair
Dr. Steven B. Nasatir
Dr. Annie Polland
Sara Crown Star
Eli N. Evans, z”l, Chair Emeritus
Founding Directors
Susan Crown
Dr. Jonathan S. Woocher, z”l


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