The Covenant Grants

American History Jewish Curriculum Project

Organization: Myer and Rosaline Feinstein Center for American Jewish History, Philadelphia, PA

Grant Year: 2003

Project Director: Ms. Nancy Isserman

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $145,100 (3 years)


Curriculum Development and Training
Professional Development

To train teachers to use a ground-breaking middle school, American Jewish history curriculum and to create a multi-media component for it. As part of the project, the Feinstein Center created an 80 page book, Challenge and Change: History of the Jews in America, Early Settlement Through the First Migration, along with an accompanying teacher’s guide. The goal was to make American Jewish history relevant to contemporary teen students.

A website was also created through this project that houses material teachers can access and use in classrooms. Additionally, because many teachers at the time did not have internet access in their clasrooms, a CD was created for teachers to use as a companion to the curriculum in their classrooms. The CD has additional maps, photos, and illustrations. Additionally, in consultation with a Jewish music scholar, musical excerpts were included on the CD that represent different American Jewish Historical periods. Each excerpt consists of the excerpt itself or a link to it online and a note on its significance. The CD contains 25 1-2 minute excerpts and several links to websites for additional music.

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