Shavuot 5781- Revelation is Just the Beginning

In April and May of 2020, during the early days of the COVID–19 pandemic, Dr. Miriam Heller Stern facilitated an online series of conversations for creative teachers and seekers. The culminating episode of that series, “Reclaiming Time, Self, and Voice: Counting and Recounting the Omer” featured the contributions of four artist–scholars affiliated with Beit HaYotzer/the Creativity Braintrust—a project of the School of Education at Hebrew Union College. What emerged from that conversation, and what is still relevant one year later, is a series of lessons about what it means to be human.
We share an edited version of that conversation with you now in the hopes that it sparks curiosity, wonder, and reflection. As your contemplation continues, you may wish to engage with the questions and prompts you’ll find at the end of the collection.
May you have a chag sameach!